JBHIFI return policy

yesterday i purchased a logitech quickcam notebook webcam from JBHIFI. it won’t work on my ol’ powerbook. i called them, and hey, they let me returned it, but not a refund because to justify for refund it must be $100 or more. it’s okay, because jbhifi allowed me to trade it with any items as long as it comes with the box and the receipt. so, i went back, told them my problem. picked up hp 4280 as the item i want, and that’s it. jbhifi made the webcam’s price as a deduction to the mfc. pronto.. well done !!

jumpa lagii…

kirain setelah ada koneksi internet 24/7 jadi rajin ngeblog hahhaa.. ternyata tetep aja enggak ngeblog ngeblog hahaha.

hari ini seneng dapet kabar dari kedjoraku bahwa dedek sudah kembali tembem dan gampang tidurnya, ga gelisah-gelisah lagi. alhamdulillah…

trus tadi siang mau cari printer, pilihan2nya sangat tidak menarik. eh dikasi tau bapake krisno kalo ada yang menarik, printer cumak 19dullar. tapi yaa itu, ga ada kabel usbnya. kalo mo beli kabel itu sekitar 29-31dullar … ngakak ngakak ngakak. liat mfc, cepekgo gitu, tapi kata bakulnya, ada 4 toner yang mesti diganti ga isa satu2.. ngakak lagi.. trus keingetan lom punya webcam (makloem, leptop jadowel)… dari 39 sampe 149dullar ada. tapi yaa itu, nda tau bisa dipake apa ndak.. mau cari isight, sekitar cepekgo juga.. kepikiran sekalian beli triple E lagi apa ya?cari yang dibawah 300.. ga rela rasanya beli webcam kok 150dullar gitu 😀

rasanya ikut IAP/intensive academic program musim panas ini kok jadi disorientasi. bener kata simbah michael nicklin, karena pernah ikut di IALF jadinya semacam de ja vu, been there done that gini.. yaah, diniati ibadah aja deh.. kan dikasik tunjangan (syukur alhamdulillah, ditambahin dikit ama seponsor hahaha)

besok, musti jalan-jalan lagi cari kontrakan.. …

a warning to a president that want to talk to iran

The Israeli cease-fire, which becomes effective at 2 a.m. Sunday, could mean an effective end to a three-week-old war that has killed at least 1,200 Palestinians, with more buried under rubble, and 13 Israelis. But even then, the shape of any lasting peace was far from clear.


how convenient. it ended JUST a day before obama’s inauguration on 20 of January. well that is some way to give meaning to forewarned.

long distance relationship

gotcha !! not that kind of relationship, guys. it’s not about two lovers set apart by distances.

it is about my daughter and me. a couple days ago, i miss her a lot. and hey, found out that it was the same day that she was not in good mood. my luv told me that dek via got awaken easily, and crying often.
but yesterday she’s calm. such a joy to hear that.

A tale of a cat

after spent 2 hrs (!) walking, I take a stop at some bus stop near shopping centre. stretching my leg, nearby an old lady with little trolley start a nice conversation about her cat. She said that she went to coles only to buy some cat food, because the cat kept yeowning at her and that’s irritating. oh by the way, she don’t like pet animal, but forced to kept the cat because it was her mother’s who just passed away recently. and the cat has been with her mother for the last 8 years.
i told her, perhaps that cat is her master now, and she laughed. i also propose that she gives the cat meat no more, because i thought that she spoiled her cat too much.
anyway, that was refreshing talk, considering the fact that i’ve been walking for 2 hrs or more with no luck of finding the address i’ve searching for.

Optus Aussie? naach

I bought an optus prepaid card from local gas station somewhere near rathdowne street. Packed and sealed. Control Number 107857850. I thought it would be my first mobile phone number in this lovely Melbourne.
Took the activation online, and bummer. It is invalid SIM number. Huh?
Call the number 1300555002, and the guy said that I could not activate it because someone has activated it since August 2008. Huh?
He told me either I bring it back to the store (which offcourse I couldn’t remember. It’s my first day in Melb, mate!! ) or bring it to Optus Store. Which is I did.
Going to Melb CBD, and found a premium dealer. Asked some officer there, he said he couldn’t help because they are independent. He pointed me to Optus World Store, the nearest down the road at 253 Elizabeth St, Melbourne. Gladly walk there. Met a lady there. Told about my problem. She just ask me to return it to the store, added that it would be unfair if everyone buying from small store then complaining to the big store. She said next time buy from big store like this. WHAT?

Grumbling, I left the store and found an Post Store. Bought Telstra prepaid there. Gone home, activated it. Voila, no problemo…

So next time Optus Aussie, please do remember that small store or even a kiosk help you sell your product. Treat them as partner !!


Alhamdulillah, sudah menjejak kaki diterpa dingin angin
berselubung kasih rindu pada dinda dan ananda

north altona, victoria
January 8th 2009


meskipun dirumah pake unlimited internet, teteup ga nyempetin ngblog karena lebih seneng nggodain dek via yang mulai belajar ngoceh dan makin sering be ga dangg..
yap, hari pertama ngantor di 2009 diwarnai kondisi yang menurutku asik. krena anak2 sekolah dah pada masuk 😀
ada yang bilang gini ni :

‘Senada dengan Igo, Husin Alaydrus dari Partai Demokrat, juga menolak keras kebijakan memajukan jam sekolah lebih cepat 30 menit dari jadwal sebelumnya.

“Coba kalau anak sekolah kelas 1 sampai 3 SD yang harus berangkat pagi-pagi, susah itu! Apalagi kalau mereka berangkat sendiri bahaya,” ujarnya dengan nada tinggi.” — http://tinyurl.com/8eqfrm

aduh, bapak2 ini mengukur diri dari perjalanan di jakarta. kalo yang dulu dari ndeso plosok, pasti tau lah kalo emang sedari sd anak2 ndeso plosok ya berangkat pagi2 karena rumahnya bisa berkilo2 meter jauhnya dari sekolah. dan ga ada ojek, apalagi metromini,apalagi mobil dinas dewan yang terhormat yang bisa buat nganterin.
ga pecaya? ga usah jauh2, monggo aja liat anak2 sd di bukit boko, selatan candi prambanan sana. sopir metromini tersangar di jakarta haqul yakin akan terkencing2 kalo disuruh narik didaerah situ..

trus persona yang sama bilang disini http://tinyurl.com/7fyw6j kalo pns juga musti berangkat pagi. ga ngrowes aku, wong sudah biasa nyampe kantor jam 7 huwahahahaha